Voice wins
Apps are too slow 1 Pull out their phone 2 Unlock it 3 Swipe to find your app 4 Tap to open it 5 Wait for it to load That’s why voice is the future. #alexa #googleassistant Article https://t.co/IpFcwATBGq
Apps are too slow 1 Pull out their phone 2 Unlock it 3 Swipe to find your app 4 Tap to open it 5 Wait for it to load That’s why voice is the future. #alexa #googleassistant Article https://t.co/IpFcwATBGq
Dagens sommarpodd om ledarskap #ledarskap #chefskap #chef #podd #podcaster #podcast #applepodcasts #googlepodcasts #Spotify https://t.co/MLtlkfiget — Jonas Jaani (@JonasJaani) July 14, 2019
Sommartips om ledarskap Läs mer »
Digitalt ledarskap #ledarskap #podd #digitalisering https://t.co/Pvn0v6oiFZ — Jonas Jaani (@JonasJaani) July 14, 2019
Podd: Ledarskap i en digital värld Läs mer »
2019 top digital transformation tech investment priorities: 1. Cloud 2. cybersecurity 3. #AI 4. Big data 5. IoT 6. Real-time analytics and reporting 7. Mobile 8. e-commerce 9. Social media 10. Collaboration platform 11. Machine learning 12. Blockchain https://t.co/1uf8seC2kk pic.twitter.com/4Zek7XDXFp — Vala Afshar (@ValaAfshar) July 12, 2019
Digital transformation toplist. Läs mer »
Drömmer du om nomadliv. Den Digitala nomaden startar här #podd #digitalnomad #nomadhttps://t.co/9fAZqDr4Mb — Jonas Jaani (@JonasJaani) July 12, 2019
Podd om digital nomad Läs mer »
Bra uppdatering till semestern. ”Google’s live camera translation is getting better AI and 60 new languages – The Verge” #googletranslate https://t.co/niC9aQTznI
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