Annual Report Book Brochure  - TheDigitalArtist / Pixabay

Work Trend Index: Annual Report

Hybrid. Ledarskap. Energi. Kreativitet. Några ord som kommer fram i nya rapporten ”2021 Work Trend Index: Annual Report” från Microsoft. Se nedan. Lös framtiden enligt rapporten:

  • Create a plan to empower
    people for extreme flexibility
  • Invest in space and technology to
    bridge the physical and digital worlds
  • Combat digital exhaustion
    from the top
  • Rebuilding social capital is
    a business imperative
  • Rethink employee experience to compete for the best and most diverse talent

    ”If we embrace extreme flexibility, follow data insights, and continue listening closely to employee needs, together we can create
    a better future of work for everyone ” #hybridkontoret

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